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Monday, August 24, 2020
Explore Peter Hollindale's claim that Peter Pan 'retains its magical Essay
Investigate Peter Hollindale's case that Peter Pan 'holds its otherworldly flexibility and its continuous advancement' (Reader 2, p. 1 - Essay Example This dreamland is appropriate to the need which guardians and kids have for narrating and creative mind. Another purpose behind the accomplishment of the play when it originally came out was the delineation of characters who could fly: a specialized accomplishment that additional to the amusement estimation of the play, and roused showmanship like the utilization of a light to portray Tinkerbell. In view of the confinements of the stage a considerable amount was left to the audience’s creative mind. Apparently J.M. Barrie himself was uncertain about the play when it was being composed and practiced, and he regularly changed the content, including names of characters, and subtleties of the plot. (Craftsman and Prichard, p. 405) Some of the characters were drawn from genuine individuals, or in fact creatures, in the author’s own life, for instance his more established sibling who passed on in a skating mishap and his pet pooch who was the motivation for Nana. The persona of Peter Pan, be that as it may, made Barrie quickly acclaimed and caught the creative mind of the scholarly world. Similarly as Barrie had revamped components from his own life history the play, so he later modified components of the play into a novel, and others made movies, kid's shows, and even ballet productions and musicals out of this underlying play. Diminish Hollindale comments that the play â€Å"retains its mysterious flexibility and its on-going innovation (Reader 2, p. 159) and portrays how the character of Peter Pan himself contains unlimited wellsprings of interest. There are components of blamelessness and immaturity, similar to the pixie dust that makes individuals fly, and a great deal of adolescent bragging yet in addition some more profound mental propensities that recommend progressively genuine messages for a grown-up crowd: â€Å"this is a play about the limits among adolescence and adulthood.†(Reader 2, p. 161) There is something unfortunate about a kid battling against his predetermination to grow up and turn into a grown-up, a point not lost on Michael Jackson who named his home â€Å"Neverland†after the Peter Pan’s dreamland. In the play Peter Pan unfalteringly opposes any trace of becoming more seasoned, the human youngsters all step by step yield to their destiny, even to where Wendy no longer has any requirement for Peter and his immature world. The story works on two levels: the adolescent emphasis on unreasonable and unimaginable things, and the grown-up acknowledgment that it is extremely unlikely to stop the progression of time and the loss of honesty. As Hollindale says: â€Å"The play gives a common field to youngsters and adults, energetically living forward and living back.†(Reader 2, p. 161.) The kids experience what lies ahead for them, while grown-ups can enjoy some wistfulness for their adolescence. There is a clouded side to the play, and this can be found in a portion of the fantastica l clarifications that Peter Pan gives with respect to the world he possesses: â€Å"Wendy Where do you live at this point? Diminish With the lost young men. Wendy Who right? Dwindle They are the youngsters who drop out of their prams when the medical caretaker is looking the other way. In the event that they are not guaranteed in seven days they are sent far away to Never Land. I’m captain.†(Peter Pan: 1:1, lines 441-443) This is a sign, maybe, that demise is a definitive method of opposing adulthood, and that Peter Pan in certain regards speaks to the author’s method of working through the loss of his dead more established sibling,
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Theodore Roethke free essay sample
# 8217 ; s Use Of Tone Essay, Research Paper Roethke # 8217 ; s Use of Tone Youth encounters appear to be the 1s that are recalled most strikingly all through an individual # 8217 ; s life. Nearly everybody can recover some feature of their youth encounters, charming and disagreeable the same. Theodore Roethke # 8217 ; s sonnet # 8220 ; My Papa # 8217 ; s Waltz # 8221 ; recommends much further that this build could be valid. The move depicted in this stanza structure delineates a communication between male parent and child that contains more than the normal euphoric, adoring mentality between the two characters. Roethke # 8217 ; s tone in this work displays the mixed, yet ground-breaking feelings that he, as a grown-up grown-up male, feels when thinking back on this youth experience. The essayist somewhat ensnares sentiments of harshness intertwined with a caring trust with his male parent. For delineation, the initial two lines of the section structure read: # 8220 ; The whisky on your breath/Could do a little male youngster tipsy ; # 8221 ; ( Roethke 668 ) . We will compose a custom article test on Theodore Roethke or on the other hand any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page This selection seems to put a dull sort of temper for the full rest of the section structure. By the initial two lines, the peruser may as of now perceive how this grown-up male feels about his male parent # 8217 ; s intoxication. It appears as though Roethke has gone before his stanza structure with this factor so as to show the harshness that he feels toward his male parent. Notwithstanding, the last two lines of the section structure recommend sentiments other than sharpness: # 8220 ; Then danced me off to bed/Still cutting to your shirt # 8221 ; ( Roethke 668 ) . By adverting the way that his male parent put him to sleep, Roethke appears to demo affectionate emotions Scaffolds 2 associated with this move. He shows his mindful emotions in the last line by using the words # 8220 ; as yet cutting # 8221 ; . # 8220 ; Surely, this little male youngster # 8217 ; s family unit life has its dreadful side, yet the last line proposes the male kid is as yet separating to his male parent with persevering if other than confounded love # 8221 ; ( Kennedy and Gioia 668 ) . In spite of the fact that their move has all the earmarks of being # 8220 ; interesting # 8221 ; , Roethke appears to have # 8220 ; a lopsided and conflicted closeness # 8221 ; to his apparently inebriated male parent ( Balakian 62 ) . Still considerably more grounds of these various emotions is outlined in the third verse. # 8220 ; This adoration move, a kind of blood ritual between male parent and kid, shows smothered frenzy joined with stunningness roused reliance # 8221 ; ( Balakian 62 ) . # 8220 ; The manus that held my wrist/was battered on one metacarpophalangeal joint ;/At each measure you missed/My correct ear scratched a clasp # 8221 ; ( Roethke 668 ) . The talker # 8217 ; s father # 8217 ; s manus being # 8220 ; battered on one metacarpophalangeal joint # 8221 ; is explanatory of a grown-up male who works troublesome with his authorities. This verse proposes that Papa likely earned a humble life and might hold alcoholic on a customary balance to escape from world. This verse other than furnishes the peruser with the sentiment of how forceful this move might be. Roethke is apparently referencing to his male parent # 8217 ; s belt lock in the last line of the third verse. During a forceful demonstration, f or example, this, a little child would see harming from such a grown-up male # 8217 ; s belt clasp # 8220 ; grinding # 8221 ; over his ear as such, yet the child choruss from a resistance. Potentially this is brought about by the child # 8217 ; s dread that his male parent will go furious, so the child simply perseveres through the stinging and endeavors to loll the moment, for he may other than experience love and going to that he may non have all the time from his male parent. Scaffolds 3 John J. McKenna offers us more distant proposals about the emotions recommended in this stanza structure. In McKenna # 8217 ; s article, two of the original copy compositions to # 8220 ; My Papa # 8217 ; s Waltz # 8221 ; are talked about. McKenna infers that the adjustments made between these original copies are more remote grounds that this stanza structure shows arranged feelings through the tone that Roethke uses. These holograph compositions are marked # 8220 ; MS-A # 8221 ; and # 8220 ; MS-B # 8221 ; at the University of Washington where they are contained in the chronicles. The first of these adjustments talked about in McKenna # 8217 ; s article is the sex of the child in the section structure. He talks about how Roethke appeared to dissuade himself about what the sex of the child ought to be, yet in the end picks male for a couple of various grounds. # 8220 ; It appears to be conceivable that he acknowledged the harsh house nature of this propertyless father’s stroll in. Positively American culture of 1941, the twelvemonth of the poem’s forming, would consider this to be dramatization as more suitable for a male kid than for a miss. By swapping ‘boy’ for ‘girl’ , along these lines, Roethke could keep up the twofold tone of this move: a little unsmooth and chilling and a little dearest and loving†( McKenna 34-35 ) . The adjustments appeared here are one more indicant of this grown-up man’s feelings toward his youth experience among him and his male parent. McKenna other than examines a significant change made in the third refrain of the stanza structure. This change includes the fourth line which peruses # 8220 ; My correct ear scratched a clasp # 8221 ; ( Roethke 668 ) . McKenna examines how Roethke appeared to respond between the two forms, supplanting # 8220 ; temple # 8221 ; for # 8220 ; right ear # 8221 ; and fragility versa ( 35 ) . # 8220 ; In the modified [ and finishing up ] adaptation, things being what they are, the talker # 8217 ; s caput is gone to the side, more in the mentality of a child # 8217 ; s grasping? Hence, the outcome is sure on the tone on the grounds that the move turns into an Extensions 4 casual, slapped together out of control # 8221 ; ( McKenna 35 ) . This factor makes it understood to the peruser that, in spite of the fact that this stroll in is unsmooth and rough, there are still some caring emotions between the child and his male parent. Significantly more adjustments were applied to the fourth verse of # 8220 ; My Papa # 8217 ; s Waltz # 8221 ; . # 8220 ; In # 8216 ; MS-A # 8217 ; , the initial two lines initially read: # 8216 ; The manus wrapped round my head/Was brutal from weeds and soil # 8217 ; . Essentially, these two lines portraying the male parent # 8217 ; s manus truly contacting the child/young lady were significantly reexamined # 8221 ; ( McKenna 35 ) . These lines were changed to state something about entirely extraordinary: # 8220 ; You beat cut on my head/With a thenar built up hard by soil,/Then danced me off to bed/Still dividing to your shirt # 8221 ; ( Roethke 668 ) . McKenna takes note of how Roethke supplanted # 8216 ; kept # 8217 ; with # 8216 ; beat # 8217 ; and in making in this way, # 8220 ; doing the situation progressively venemous, increasingly negative # 8221 ; ( 35 ) . The second line is other than about completely not the same as it shows up in the two unique original copies. The word # 8216 ; palm # 8217 ; shows up in the finishing up form on the other hand of # 8216 ; manus # 8217 ; . McKenna makes reference to this change in expressing that # 8220 ; the male parent # 8217 ; s thenar is so troublesome, but from fair work ; he is a troublesome grown-up male each piece great as a troublesome specialist. He even plays troublesome # 8221 ; ( 35-36 ) . McKenna comments more remote by saying that the adjustments in the initial two lines of the fourth verse # 8220 ; customize the move between the talker and his male parent. At a similar clasp, they include an obviously negative tone with the words # 8216 ; beat # 8217 ; and # 8216 ; palm built up troublesome # 8217 ; . In add-on, the three focused on syllables in # 8216 ; palm built up troublesome # 8217 ; stress the obstinate, obtrusive intensity of the male parent over the child # 8221 ; ( 36 ) . It is evident through these changes that Roethke really needed to state something in this refrain structure. The entirety of the various adjustments made in the section structure are fairly decisive of how Scaffolds 5 incredible his affections for his male parent must hold been. # 8220 ; ? Roethke attempted, through cautious modifications to equilibrate negative and positive tones in # 8216 ; My Papa # 8217 ; s Waltz # 8217 ; # 8221 ; ( McKenna 36 ) . In spite of the fact that the move among him and his male parent was unsmooth and forceful, the truly certainty that Roethke decided to make about the stroll in demonstrates that it is a specific moment he imparted to his male parent. The writer has a solitary capacity to delineate the moment and non his emotions. This is the thing that makes # 8220 ; My Papa # 8217 ; s Waltz # 8221 ; so intriguing and leaves such a great amount to perusing. Reference index Balakian, Peter. Theodore Roethke # 8217 ; s Far Fields. Mallet Rouge: Pelican state State University Press, 1989. Gioia, Dana, A ; Kennedy, X. J. ( Eds. ) . ( 1999 ) . Writing: An Introduction to Fiction, Verse, and Drama. seventh Edition. New York, NY: Longman. McKenna, John J. # 8220 ; Roethke # 8217 ; s Revisions and the Tone of # 8216 ; My Papa # 8217 ; s Waltz # 8217 ; # 8221 ; . ANQ Spring 1998: v11n2. On the web. Galileo. 21 October 1999. Roethke, Theodore. # 8220 ; My Papa # 8217 ; s Waltz # 8221 ; . , Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Furthermore, Drama. Ed. X.J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia. seventh Ed. New York, NY: Longman, 1999. 668.
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
Extra Money For The Holidays
Extra Money For The Holidays How to Earn Extra Money: 4 Curious Tricks Home›Tips for Students›How to Earn Extra Money: 4 Curious Tricks Tips for StudentsMoney making tipsWe’d all like to make extra cash for the holidays, but not everyone knows how to do this. Finding additional sources of income is not an easy task, and it can be especially daunting if you’ve never done this before. Here are the best money making tips that are sure to improve your financial situation.Have a Garage SaleA winter garage sale may seem like a bit of a difficult conundrum. After all, people are less likely to come if there’s a danger of freezing. However, with all the available apps, you can easily have a garage sale without actually organizing anything physical or meeting any of your customers. Or you can just take all you wares to a local flee market.Try Part-timingPeople shop a lot more during a winter season. This works in your favor as there’s a lot more help needed in retail. It may not be the most glamorous of the jobs, but all the money would surely make it worth your while.BabysitIt is not exactly a steady job; though, it may be perfect as a means of picking up a few extra bucks. Ask your friends and family members if they know any people who are in need of a night out. Also, you can post about your services online, but make sure that you don’t have any inappropriate pictures in your social media because parents are likely to check.Sell the Textbooks You No Longer NeedThere are several ways to do this. You can always return the books to your campus bookstore. However, you are unlikely to get the best deal there. You can also check out the sites, such as CampusBooks. There people can place bids on your textbooks, so you’ll probably receive a better payment.Being a college student is often associated with being completely broken, but with enough determination and willingness, you can still have enough to celebrate well and give great gifts to your loved ones.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Pilgrim s Progress By John Bunyan - 1528 Words
1) Pilgrim s Progress by John Bunyan is an infamous Christian allegory and wildly considered to be the first great book of the non-secular English language. After the Bible, it was the most read book for centuries. Bunyan wrote it based on his largely Baptist, often Calvinist theology. This is evident in Pilgrim s Progress through the name choices of the main characters and his conversation with Ignorance regarding reaching the Celestial City. The major points which are total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible grace, and perseverance of saints. Total depravity states that all mean are inherently sinners, unconditional election entails that certain people were predestined to receive God s grace no†¦show more content†¦Christian tries to correct him and explain that there is only one way to the Celestial City, and his deeds do not matter. Due to the doctrines of Predestination and Total Depravity, Christian is correct under Calvinism. Since Ig norance is inherently a sinner, and not elect, he is unable to accept God s grace and enter the Celestial City by means of his own path according to the concept of Total Depravity. However, one way that Pilgrim s Progress contradicts Calvinist theory is when Christian is reading his bible at the very beginning and confesses to his family that he is worried for their safety because fire from Heaven will soon obliterate the city that they live in and he doesn t know how to save them. This is contradictory to Calvinism because Christian should inherently know that he cannot. Since God has preordained everything that will ever happen, Christian cannot save his family unless that was already been in God s plan. Pilgrim s Progress largely exemplifies Calvinist ideology throughout the text with each new character that Christian meats. Bunyan made his viewpoint very clear every everyone of his literary decisions from what the characters shall be named to how they go about their journeys. Al though there are a few nuances that seem less than Calvinistic, such as Christian s worries at the beginning, for the most part it stats true to the Calvin course. 2)Show MoreRelatedThe Pilgrim s Progress By John Bunyan2270 Words  | 10 PagesThe Pilgrim’s Progress written by John Bunyan was a very deep and touching story to me. After reading it and trying to interpret what it was saying I decided that I could actually relate more to this story than I realized through my faith as a follower of Jesus Christ. John Bunyan uses a dream of the main character, Christian, to describe a life changing event for Christian to grow spiritually while traveling and meeting new people and having first time experiences. The Pilgrims Progress is an allegoryRead MoreThe Pilgrim s Progress By John Bunyan1096 Words  | 5 PagesThe Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan is one of the most famous books in English literature and the Protestant religion. It has been translated into more languages than any other book in existence besides the Bible. He writes the story intricately, with many descriptive details, which causes the story to seem almost lif e-like. The story can be enjoyed by people of any religion or belief. It showcases Bunyan’s poetic prowess, and his intellect as a writer, and this is why it is regarded as one ofRead MorePilgrim s Progress By John Bunyan1023 Words  | 5 PagesWhen is the last time you used the terms, â€Å"slough†when your car has gotten stuck in some mud or â€Å"weed†when you needed to go buy some new clothes? â€Å"Pilgrim’s Progress†by John Bunyan is a story that lives on into the twenty-first century but is full of phrases such as these that veer away from the way we speak today. Norton’s anthology seems to think that the objects referenced in this story are â€Å"simple and familiar†and all of the places the protagonist visits are â€Å"homely and commonplace†(2270)Read MoreAbility s Inability ( Rough Draft )916 Words  | 4 PagesPolitics, Structures of Feeling Geoff Eley states â€Å"Pilgrim s Progress is, with Rights of M an, one of the two foundational texts of the English working-class movement: Bunyan and Paine, with Cobbett and Owen, contributed most to the stock of ideas and attitudes which make up the raw material of the movement from 1790-1850†(Eley 217). The Pilgrim’s Progress was written by John Bunyan in February of 1678. At the time, Bunyan titled it â€Å"The Pilgrim s Progress from This World to That Which Is to Come; DeliveredRead MoreAnalysis Of John Milton s The Of Mere Christianity 864 Words  | 4 Pagesbooks, Pilgrims Progress and Paradise Lost, that are perfect examples of this quote. Pilgrims Progress, by John Bunyan, is about the difficulties that a Christian faces throughout his journey towards the Celestial City. Paradise Lost, by John Milton, is, on the other hand, a story about Satan s fall from heaven and His deception of Adam and Eve. These two great works of literature give clear examples of how choices effect the outcome of one s life. In John Bunyan s Pilgrims Progress thereRead MoreSimilarities Between Everyman And The Pilgrims Progress1989 Words  | 8 Pagesmust embark on is The Pilgrim’s Progress, by John Bunyan. It was written after the spread of Protestantism across Europe and when religious freedom was curtailed. Everyman and The Pilgrim’s Progress, despite being written in two different periods, are both literary works that explore the spiritual transformation an individual must undergo to inherit eternal life, and the trials and triumphs that are unique to the Christian pilgrimage. Everyman and The Pilgrim’s Progress both exhibit themes of salvationRead More Vanity Exposed in Vanity Fair Essay1214 Words  | 5 PagesVanity Exposed in Vanity Fair  The title Thackeray chose for his novel Vanity Fair is taken from The Pilgrim ´s Progress by John Bunyan. In Bunyan ´s book, one of the places Christian passes through on his pilgrimage to the Celestial City is Vanity Fair, where it is possible to buy all sorts of vanities. A very sad thing happens there: the allegorical person Faithful is killed by the people. In the novel Vanity Fair Thackeray writes about the title he has chosen: But my kind reader will pleaseRead MoreMonarchy And Their Influences On Writers1582 Words  | 7 PagesKendra Martin Prof Salwak English 251 6 December 2016 Monarchy and their influences on writers All of the poems and stories we have read were written between maybe 975 and 1700’s. All the poets and writers were living in Europe, most likely England. England is where monarchy happens and England has faced tyrants and benevolent kings. From Henry IV to George III, all of the writers we read about were ruled under this government. These writers get inspiration of what was happening around them, andRead MoreThe Progressive Era Of Social And Political Reform1177 Words  | 5 Pagesjournalism, which was a style of reporting that used exaggeration to attract readers. In a speech made by U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt in 1906, the term muckraker was used in a derogatory way, he â€Å" borrowed the word from John Bunyan s Puritan story Pilgrim s Progress, which spoke of a man with a â€Å"Muck-rake in his hand†who raked filth rather than look up to nobler things.†However, it eventually came to take on a positive overtone due to the serious social issues of the progressive era theRead MoreThe Legacy Of Abraham Lincoln1521 Words  | 7 Pagesintervention in the war by defusing the Trent Affair in late 1861. Lincoln closely supervised the war effort, especially the selection of top generals, including his most successful general, Ulysses S. Grant. He also made major decisions on Union war strategy, including a naval blockade that shut down the South s normal trade, moves to take control of Kentucky and Tennessee, and using gunboats to gain control of the southern river system. Lincoln tried repeatedly to capture the Confederate capital at Richmond;
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Smurfette Principle a Popular Media Phenomenon
The Smurfette Principle: A Popular Media Phenomenon By Youssef Sourgo You have certainly had the opportunity to read or watch The Smurfs. The Smurfs was â€Å"a Belgium comic and television franchise centered on a group of small blue creatures.†In order to understand the â€Å"Smurfette Principle,†it’s necessary to watch at least one episode of The Smurfs which features Smurfette. Smurfette, the only female Smurf, is now used as an analogy for female characters who exists alongside a large number of male characters. This recurring phenomenon in countless fictional and cinematic works has been the subject of heated debates, and has even proved to perpetuate dangerous stereotypes about women in general. The website TV Tropes defines a â€Å"trope†as†¦show more content†¦This trope perpetuates some negative stereotypes about women that boys, at an early age, endorse as granted facts. They consequently base their thoughts and attitudes toward girls and woman on those dangerous stereotypes. In her article, â€Å"What the Smurfette Principle Teaches your Kids About Girls,†published on the Huffington Post, Soraya Chemali exhibits some of the dangers of this media phenomenon. According to her, the Smurf village story from which Katha Pollitt was inspired to coin the phrase â€Å"the Smurfette Principle,†communicates the following dangerous stereotypes about girls to boys: - Girls are socially inactive and redundantâ€â€as the character Smurfette doesn’t have a job in the series, contrary to most (if not all) of the other members of the Smurfs community. - Girls are judged according to their physical sex appeal Some tend to argue, however, that this â€Å"fake issue†is not worthy of all this concern and attention, and that (mostly female) critics are making an unnecessary buzz about it. Others think that those fictional productions within showbiz are not meant to be one-gender-centered, at all. They are only the fruit of an unconscious creativity process; that is to say: choosing the appropriate cast members for a certain movie has never been based on bias or a particular gender preference. Instead, it is just an attempt to bring a certainShow MoreRelatedMy Little Pony: the Magic of Gender Equality1194 Words  | 5 PagesThe Magic of Gender Equality My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is a critically acclaimed children’s animated series developed by Lauren Faust. The series is an update of Hasbro’s original 80s phenomenon. It shows themes that may seem typical on children’s programming such as moral values, gender equality, the meaning of friendship, teamwork, and helping those in need. However, what makes this show stand out from the rest? The show takes a different approach in children’s programming, using a
The Scramble for Africa in Late 19th Century to Early 20th Century. Free Essays
During the late 19th century and the early 20th century, European countries began their scramble for Africa which caused African to suffer from violence like wars, slavery and unfairness, but there was also a positive, peaceful and diplomatic consequences and events in Africa like fair trade system, new technology and the security given to Africans under European rule. An additional document written by an African commoner would help to further assess the African actions and reactions by telling what happened to them during that time period and their reaction towards that issue. European imperialism in Africa mainly caused violent acts and suffering to the African natives but there were positive event. We will write a custom essay sample on The Scramble for Africa in Late 19th Century to Early 20th Century. or any similar topic only for you Order Now Before European imperialisms, Africans lived their usual lives and attended their crops. However, during the imperialism, Africans had to attend European crops because they were treated like slaves and had to do the bearings for their colonizers (Doc. 4). There were also wars and rebellions against the Europeans to fight off their colonization deed because of the unfairness and suffering they had to endure. For example, machine guns, cannons and strategies and formation skills helped to efficiently kill people and cause suffering (Doc 5). Also the violence against Africans can’t be merely described in words, for Europeans took away their land and possessions. They burned their villages, killed and plundered and so their wickedness and injustice against the Africans were seen (Doc 9). A German officer said that the Africans had a magic medicine that would give them good harvest and invulnerability to Europeans. This would help them fight off the unfairness of slavery, under-wage labor, bulletproof ability and strength women and children from the hardships of war (Doc. 8). But by analyzing this document, we should take into account that this is written by a German officer. By interpreting this, we could see that the German officer is mocking the Africans for being superstitious and using petty medicines to fight off their supreme power. Because the Germans saw themselves as a powerful nation through strong military tactics and improved technology, they are making fun of the Africans for using this medicine to win over their rule. However, Africans had a strong sense of nationalism, especially women, like Yaa Asantewa. As queen she saw the cowardliness of the chiefs and gave them a long speech about the bravery of Ashanti is gone and if they aren’t willing to go forward and protect the country, the women will. They would hold arms against the Europeans until the last of them dies (Doc. ). Also chief Maherero wrote a letter to another chief in order to help persuade him to take arms against the Europeans, to fight rather than die from weakly disease or maltreatment, etc. (Doc 7). This shows that’s strong sense of nationalism within Africa. Even though there were mostly war and violence, the source of suffering in Africa, there were also peaceful and positive means in colonization. Africans and Europeans signed a contract calling for equal trade, fairness, bettering of the people, no war and not interfering with native laws and customs. Doc. 1) However, because of the contact between African and Europeans through wars and other forms of contact, improved technologies were brought to African through the Europeans (Doc. 5). For example, machine guns, cannons and strategies and formation skills helped influenced the warfare in Africa, like the Battle of Adowa, where Ethiopians fought against the Italians and won. Also, Prempeh I declined British’s offer to become one of its protectorates, however he wants to stay under peaceful terms with them and traditional at the same time (Doc 2). When analyzing this document, we should take into account that Prempeh I is the king. So by interpreting this document, we could conclude that because he’s the king of Ashanti, if he became part of British’s protectorate countries, he would lose his power as king. Because by declining, it benefitted him, he decline British’s offer. The Emperor of Ethiopia also declined to become a protectorate under the Europeans because God had protected them and would continue to protect them for God doesn’t want to divide up Ethiopia (Doc 3). He also stated that God would help aid them in recovering their lost lands to Muslims. With this, we could conclude that Ethiopians during that time period is very Christian and believed in God. Europeans countries began to their imperialisms in Africa during the late 19th century and the early 20th century, where they caused violence and suffering like rebellions, slavery and unfairness to the Africans, but there was also a positive, peaceful and diplomatic events in Africa like fair trade system, new technology and the security given to Africans under European rule. How to cite The Scramble for Africa in Late 19th Century to Early 20th Century., Essay examples
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Personal Navigation Devices Essay Example
Personal Navigation Devices Paper 1. Why have Personal Navigation Devices become popular? What technologies are required to facilitate the success of PND? Personal navigation devices can become the next must-have gadgets. They add more comfort in the busy life in the sense that they give you an ability to concentrate on one thing less. PND like, say, GPS are starting to win over customers, from weekend hikers or bikers to people who are just tired of their lousy sense of direction. Some consumer GPS navigation devices feature interactive street maps that may also show route information, and step-by-step routing directions. For these reasons PND’s are very helpful and useful. 2. Who are some of the leaders in PNDs? What are the likely factors that will contribute to winning in this marketplace? There are many companies, which try to develop and enhance PNDs, but probably the most famous leaders are TomTom, Garmin, Navigation, Magellan. The most important factors for the competitors that will contribute to winning in the marketplace I think are the ability to build a device which would be multifunctional and portable, not costly and with the features which would satisfy different customers depending on their particular interests and needs. 3. What will be a likely future for PNDs? I believe that dedicated PNDs will continue to be preferred for use in the car. However, in-car navigation systems will be complemented by handset-based systems for pedestrian navigation. New devices such as portable media players, ultra mobile PCs, Internet tablets and mobile Internet devices will also integrate navigation systems into their applications. 4. Apply as many TCOs to Personal Navigation Devices as possible. I decided to choose Garmin, since it’s easier to apply TCOs to the company: Garmin is the parent company of a group of companies founded in 1989, that develops consumer, aviation, and marine technologies for the Global Positioning System. To protect their property, most of the processes Garmin patented, but most of its software and applications are licensed, except some of them like, for example, XM Patent Application for Sending and Receiving Images. Garmin is very competent in the various fields like GPS receivers, StreetPilot devices, GPS eTrex series, iQue line of integrated PDA-GPS receivers, sonar fishfinders with GPS capabilities. The company should continue to collaborate with the different vendors and complementors to add the new features. It probably should develop more independent marketing and manufacturing units around the World to increase and encourage the RD. The company probably has to work more in the different directions, but based on the existing and recognized strength – developing navigation devices. Recently it achieved the great reputation in the developing navigation systems for the aircrafts and â€Å"won†the huge revenue. We will write a custom essay sample on Personal Navigation Devices specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Personal Navigation Devices specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Personal Navigation Devices specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer
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